Funeral Programs Uploaded
We are pleased to announce that we have recently uploaded almost 700 Funeral Programs to the website.  If you have a collection of programs that you would like to donate to have added to this collecti...
Star Valley Wyoming Hertiage Barns - Book Available NOW!
"STAR VALLEY WYOMING HERITAGE BARNS" for sale now. It includes photos and stories about the many barns of the valley. Joan Martin & Karen Fluckiger gathered photos and information from Better Barn Con...
April 18, 2024 SVHS Program
COMING SOON 18 April 2024 7 PM @ the Salt River Senior Center Afton WY. The Star Valley Historical Society invites the public to an evening of commemoration of 100 years of the "STAR" on the hill abov...
The Making of a Star Stud
Ronald W.Galloway - "The Making of a Star Stud - A History of the Lumber Industry in Afton, Wyoming" by Ronald W. Galloway.  If you are interested in obtaining a copy of this book about the Star Studs...
March 21, 2024 7PM at the Salt River Senior Center
This month we will share some interesting information about Star Valley pioneers gathered by the WPA writers project then archived by the State of Wyoming. The Works Progress Administration paid wages...
2024 Events Schedule
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SVHS Meeting on April 20th, 2023
Come to the SVHS Meeting on April 20th, 2023.  text.  Click here for a PDF of the Poster/Flyer.  Hope to see you there....
New Collection - Cynthia Call Nielsen
We have a new collection of photographs that have been added to www, website. It is called the Cynthia Call Nielsen Collection. Many of the people in the photos are un...
Star Valley Historical Society launches 2023 season
Star Valley Historical Society launches 2023 season     Janet Erickson Posted on January 18, 2023 ...
Etna Cemetery update
Etna Cemetery Headstones have been updated....