Other Grave Sites
Dupont Graham:
By Russ Stuart
Dupont Graham was born June 28th, 1915 and died June 29th, the same year. He was the son of John Wesley Graham and Willetta Jeanetta Clouse Graham. The grave site is located in Forest Dell on the property of Dee Helm bordering the property of Harv Crook. It is located on the Helm's south fence line about 0.3 mile east of Highway 89. Please be aware that this is private property. (GPS: 42.5625 N 110.8878 W).

Forest Dell Massacre:
Alonzo F. Brown of New Hampshire, who crossed the route (Lander Cut-Off), told of coming upon the burning remnants of an emigrant train where the trail entered Star Valley. All members of the train except a four year old girl had been killed. The child's legs were broken and apparently she had been left for dead. Brown's party dressed her wounds and took her to Oregon. Today a peaceful aspen grove (unknown) marks the site of the massacre in Forest Dell.
Correction We recently obtained a copy of the "Autobiography of Alonzo F. Brown", dated 29 May 1922. Whereas, the event described above apparently did occur, it did not happen in Star Valley. From Alonzo F. Brown's autobiography...
"The Landers Cutoff took down to the old road to Fort Hall on the Snake River. We camped one night on Salt River. We were now in hostile Indian territory, as we went by where the Sublette Cutoff came into the old road. We camped with a party of emigrants who had just come through the Sublette Cutoff, and they reported they came by about ten miles south of where we were and found a party of emigrants all murdered except a little babe, and it had both legs broken by Indians. These emigrants had the baby and was going to take it through with them".
Hannah Hadden:
By James K. Morgan
Hannah Elizabeth Morgan was born 4 October 1866 in Pleasant Grove, Utah of Edward (Ted) Morgan and Sarah West Morgan. Hannah Elizabeth married John Russell Hadden about 1883 presumably in Neeley, Idaho. Homesteading in Star Valley, she died 22 May 1889 either during, or soon after, childbirth.
Location: Travel north 0.4 mile from Etna on Highway 89. Turn left (west) on LC Hwy 111. Proceed 0.7 mile then turn right (north) on LC Hwy 109 approximately 0.2 mile. The pipe fence can be seen on the left (west) side of the road. Please be aware that this is private property. (GPS: 43.04781 N 111.02630 W)
Rainey Hill aka Tin Cup Cemetery:
The following is a list of persons originally interred in the Rainey Hill burial site. When dedicated cemeteries became available elsewhere thoughout the Valley, these persons were said to have been exhumed and transferred to other locations, but this event has never been verified.
Location: The Tincup cemetery was located on the old Haderlie Ranch about 1888. From Freedom, travel North on Lincoln County/State Line Road for 0.9 miles. Turn left (West) on ID-34 and travel for 1.1 miles. Turn left (South) for 0.9 miles. The burial site is located approximately 450 feet to the left (East) along the fence line. The grave site is currently inaccessible (private property). Hearsay states these gravesites were exhumed and moved to Freedom; however, recent investigation does not verify this story. (GPS: 42.991574N 111.064031W).
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Birth Place |
Argust, Augusta | |
Christensen, Nels | |
Christensen, William C | 30 Oct 1867 | 6 May 1891 | Adamshoj, Kvaerkeby,Soro, Denmark |
Felsted, John Ellis | |
Felsted, Mrs. John | |
Heap, Effie | 6 Jun 1895 | 20 Jun 1895 | Freedom, Uinta, Wyoming |
Heap, Hattie Louise | |
Heap, James | |
Heap, Williiam | 30 Jul 1892 | 15 Jan 1893 | Freedom, Caribou, Idaho |
Heap, William Jr | |
Hill, Cynthia Ann | |
Hunt, Abel Moroni | |
Hunt, Arthur | 29 Nov 1878 | 15 Nov 1882 | St. Charles, Bear Lake, Idaho |
Hunt, Daniel | 15 Jun 1886 | Oct 1888 | Freedom, Caribou, Idaho |
Hunt, Minnie | 7 May 1882 | 7 May 1882 | Freedom, Caribou, Idaho |
Hunt, Moroni | 1 Apr 1890 | 4 Apr 1891 | Freedom, Caribou, Idaho |
Hunt, Walter | 1 May 1888 | 10 Jul 1889 | Freedom, Caribou, Idaho |
Larsen, Petrena C | |
Lucky, Minerva | |
Miller, James | |
Miller, James J | |
Miller, James Samuel | About 1887 | 4 Apr 1889 | |
Miller, LeRoy | About 1888 | 16 Feb 1889 | |
Miller, Samuel Robert | 5 May 1838 | 20 Apr 1887 | Beards, Montgomery, Illinois |
Nielsen, Karen Elizabeth | |
Scercey, Sara | |